A tract of waterfront land spanning 1,000 ha, referred to as the Greater Southern Waterfront in the Draft Master Plan 2013 of the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), will be the next major growth area in the city.
Specifically, the 21.5 ha of development area in Marina South will yield about 9,000 private homes. Development will start after 2017/2018, when the Thomson Line is nearer completion.
Residents and visitors to the area will be able to shop in an 800m long underground mall between the two Thomson Line stations serving the area, namely Marina South and Gardens by the Bay. This frees up the ground-level space above the mall for a pedestrian walkway.
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Central Business Districts CBD
Central Core Region CCR
Central Linear Park
Development Charge Rates DC Rates
Developments of Greater Southern Waterfront City
Developments of Marina Bay
Developments of Marina South Downtown
Developments of Tanjong Pagah Waterfront Area
Gardens by the Bay MRT Station
Government funds for infrastructure and Urbanisation
Infrastructure to support growth in Population Size
Marina Bay Financial Centre MBFC
Marina Reservior
Marina South Downtown
Private Residential Property Price Index
Singapore Land Authority SLA
Singapore Land Use Plan
Singapore Mater Plan 2013
Tanjong Pagar MRT Station
Thomson Line TSL
Waterfront and Marina Strategic Plan