CHANCERY COURT was sold through collective sales for S$401.78 miilion through collective sales. It is located in the prime location and short distance to Newton MRT Station and wihinin radius of St Joseph Instituitions Junior and Singapore Cedar Girls' Primary School.
CHANCERY COURT was sold for S$401.78 miilion through collective sales. It is located in the prime location and short distance to Newton MRT Station and wihinin radius of St Joseph Instituitions Junior and Singapore Cedar Girls' Primary School.
4 land parcels near NEWTON ROAD were sold for New and Upcoming condo developments. The former sites of Chancery Court, Dunearn Gardens, Makeway View and GLS SITE at KAMPONG JAVA ROAD are located in the Core Central RegION (ccr) of Singapore.
4 land parcels located along DUNEARN ROAD, Central Region of Singapore, were sold for new and upcoming condo developments. The former sites are Chancery Court, Dunearn Gardens, Dunearn Court and Mayfair Gardens.
Former sites of Dunearn Court and Mayfair Gardens are sold through en-bloc for new and upcoming condo. These 2 land parcel sites are walking distance to Botanic Gardens MRT Station, Tan Kah Kee MrT Station and King Albert Park MRT Station respectively.
DERBY COURT is sold through collective sales and it is located along Derbyshire Road in the Central Region of Singpaore. It has a site area of square metres and is walking distance to Novena MRT Station
Derby Court land parcel located in Deryshire Road is sold for New and Upcoming Condominiums, Central Region of Singapore. It has a land site area of square metres and is walking distance to Novena MRT Station.
These land parcels along Kampong Java Road, were sold by Government Land Sales (GLS) and Collective Sales of Makeway View, for New and Upcoming Condo, Core Central Region (CCR) of Singapore. They are walking distance to Newton MRT Station, serving the North-South Line.