Are changes in HDB and CPF policies, and remarks by politicians causing a crash in the prices of older HDB flats?
I refer to the article “Owners worry older HDB flats a depreciating asset” (Sunday Times, Apr 15).
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Are changes in HDB and CPF policies, and remarks by politicians causing a crash in the prices of older HDB flats?
I refer to the article “Owners worry older HDB flats a depreciating asset” (Sunday Times, Apr 15).
SINGAPORE - The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) announced on Wednesday 15 recommendations for the ongoing review of the Central Provident Fund (CPF) system.
Among other things, it has called for greater transparency and predictability of the Minimum Sum, proposing that the Government set a 10-year Minimum Sum schedule with corresponding CPF Life monthly payout. It also called for a mid-term review of the schedule to ensure relevancy.
"In addition, any adjustment or changes should be explained to members adequately in advance, including how the Minimum Sum is calculated and CPF Life monthly payout is determined," said NTUC assistant secretary-general Cham Hui Fong.
Buying a Property – Use up CPF before it vanishes into Retirement Account at 55
For Singaporeans, reaching 55 years old marks a major milestone from the perspective of personal financial planning.
At 55, you can withdraw a portion of your Central Provident Fund (CPF) savings.
Yes, finally after years of waiting, you can use the money locked up at CPF!
But hang on… before you start planning for your next holiday destination or researching for your second property…reaching 55 does not mean you can simply go to the CPF to withdraw any amount you want.
The CPF, Singapore’s pension scheme, has other plans for your funds.
Many members use CPF savings when buying a property. Before you decide on buying your dream home, we highly recommend reading "Things to look out for when buying a property using CPF" and watching "Buying a House" videos. Here’re 8 essentials you should be aware of. Please note that the information may be different if you are using CPF for multiple properties.
The Ministry of Finance responded to queries from The Straits Times on what the Government does with the money that goes into the Central Provident Fund (CPF) and how it determines CPF interest rates, These topics have been hotly debated online following speculation that CPF monies are invested by Temasek Holdings and GIC as well as comparisons between their returns and CPF returns.
Here is MOF's reply in full.
Home prices are likely to fall further before the government rolls back the property cooling measures which were imposed since 2009, according to Standard Chartered in media reports.
“You would start to take away some of these measures if price growth reaches a certain level of equilibrium,” said the bank’s CEO for ASEAN, Lim Cheng Teck. However, he believes this is not the case yet.
Chesterton Singapore’s Managing Director Donald Han also holds a similar view: “It’s still too early to remove curbs. The government will monitor but their fingers won’t be pressing any buttons at this point in time.”
Here is the full list of the 8 recent property cooling measures.
[SINGAPORE] Thousands of HDB homeowners are turning to DBS Bank for a mortgage product that guarantees savings.
Those who took up a POSB HDB loan when it was launched in April could be looking at savings of as much as $1,600 by next month, calculations from DBS showed.
According to Lui Su Kian, DBS's head of deposits and secured lending, the POSB HDB loan has attracted "five times more new customers than a year ago", making up for some of the slack in the private-home loan market.
Loans granted to homes under construction
THE first part of this article last week concluded that the Singapore household balance sheet is rock solid: household net worth is increasing because household assets such as shares, CPF, currencies and savings are increasing more than household debt.