Singapore's famously efficient government faces a challenge that has stymied many a country before: safely guiding its toppish property market to a soft landing as interest rates rise.
Property prices in the city-state have surged over 60 percent since 2009, propelled by rock-bottom global interest rates and quantitative easing in developed economies, even as Singapore's government has enacted a series of cooling measures to prevent a bubble from forming.
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A household cashflows
Higher productivity for future growth
Increase in GDP Gross Domestic Product per Capital
Increase in Singapore population size
Monetary Authority of Singapore MAS
Monthly mortgage repayments
National Productivity and Continuing Education Council
Objectives in increasing Population
Private Residential Property Price Index PPI
Property loans repayments
Singapore Government Master Plan
Singapore Property Coolling Measures
Total Debt Servicing Ratio TDSR
Vacancy Rates versus Total Housing Stock
Vacancy rates vrsus Property Price Index