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Government Land Sales GLS- Holland Road

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Holland Village is one of Singapore’s most distinctive lifestyle destinations set amidst winding narrow lanes and low-rise shophouses. It has an urban village feel distinguished by its laid-back daytime allure contrasted with a magnetic dining scene at night. Residents and visitors alike currently mingle, socialise and celebrate amidst the wide-ranging and eclectic mix of shops and restaurants in the area that contributes to Holland Village’s unique place identity.

New Launch in Holland Road

New Launch in Holland Village

In line with the announced Holland Village Extension plans, URA is now offering a unique opportunity to grow Holland Village and extend the Identity Node with a new, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented development that would add to the vibrancy of Holland Village as a great place to live, work and play.


With the Holland Village Circle Line Station right at its door-step coupled with direct access to Holland Road and North Buona Vista Road, Holland Village is easily accessible at the city fringe and is well connected to major hubs such as Buona Vista Sub-Regional Centre, one-north, National University of Singapore and the Orchard Road belt.


This mixed-use development will offer more retail and dining options to reinforce the area’s buzz, while also providing select residences for people who wish to live in the heart of Holland Village.

The quality of the public realm is central to the new extension of Holland Village with a network of pedestrianized streets and public spaces that connect seamlessly with the surrounding lorongs and the housing estate beyond. The development will build on and reinforce the continual success of Holland Village while creating new community spaces for people to gather and interact.


We would like to extend this invitation to developers who have an added edge in architectural sensitivity and creativity to develop an extraordinary high quality project that will set Holland Village apart as a distinctive and endearing Identity Node.


The land parcel at Holland Road is first sale site to be launched as part of the Holland Village Extension plan unveiled in the Master Plan 2014. As the design quality of the new development is critical to set Holland Village apart as a distinctive and endearing Identity Node, a Concept & Price Revenue tender system will be adopted to evaluate the tenders received for the commercial & residential site at Holland Road.

Under this system, tenderers are required to submit their concept proposals and tender prices in two separate envelopes. The concept proposals should demonstrate how the proposed development on the Land Parcel will address the following evaluation criteria:-

(a)    Quality of Design Concept

(b)    Quality of Public Realm

(c)    Track Record

Details on the Concept and Price Revenue tender system is set out under Part VI of the Technical Conditions of Tender.

A concept Evaluation Committee (CEC) will first evaluate the Concept Proposal against the evaluation criteria. Only Concept Proposals that substantially satisfy the evaluation criteria will be short-listed by the CEC for the second stage of the tender evaluation.

At the second stage, the price envelopes of proposals with acceptable concepts will be opened for consideration. The site will then be awarded to the tender with the highest bid among those with acceptable concept proposals.

Q1    Would the subject sale site be eligible for the Green Mark (GM) GFA incentive?

A1    The subject site is required to achieve a minimum BCA GM rating of GoldPlus. The developer can still qualify for an incremental GFA incentive if the developer chooses to attain the higher GM Platinum standard. Tenderers are advised to carry out a simulation study to ascertain if the additional GFA is achievable, taking into account the height control, stipulated urban design requirement, prevailing DC guidelines and existing ground conditions of the site, which have to be complied with.

Q2    URA has introduced an overall budget of 10% for additional GFA allowed beyond the Master Plan under various bonus GFA schemes for each development site. Is this applicable to GLS sites?

A2    Yes, the overall budget of 10% for additional GFA allowed beyond the Master Plan under various bonus GFA schemes will be applicable to all GLS sites.

Q3    Is the Extension Premium Scheme applicable to this site?

A3    Yes, the Extension Premium Scheme introduced in May 2000 is applicable to this sale site. Please see details of the scheme in Annex A

Q4    We are a foreign company and would like to know about Singapore's permission/licence system for development and sale of residential units. Is it acceptable for us to respond to the tender first, and then obtain the permission/licence for development and sale of residential units after we are awarded with the site? What are the requirements for obtaining the permission/licence and are there any websites for our references?

A4    A developer who wishes to develop a residential project or mixed residential and commercial project with more than 4 units is required to obtain a housing developer's licence before commencing construction of the project. Your application for a housing developer’s licence will be subject to the evaluation and approval of the Controller of Housing under the Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Act (Chapter 130). There are two types of licences available: a sale licence which allows a developer to carry out the project and sell units off-plan prior to completion, and a no-sale licence which allows a developer to carry out the project but sale of units can only commence after the units are completed. To qualify for a sale licence, a developer is required to have a minimum paid-up capital of $1 million and track record of having completed a residential project with more than 4 units or a reasonably sized non-residential project in Singapore in the past 5 years. More information on the criteria for the issue of a licence is available at URA

You may choose to submit your tender for the subject site first. The evaluation of the tenders for the site will be based on price only. The tender for the sale of the site is independent of the issue of a housing developer’s licence for a project on the site, and a tenderer is not required to have a housing developer's licence at the point of submitting the tender.

Please note that if you have not completed any project in Singapore but wish to apply for a sale licence to sell units off-plan prior to completion, you are advised to consult the Controller of Housing on whether your development experience qualifies for the issue of a sale licence before tendering for the site. A sale licence may not be issued to you by the Controller of Housing for the sale of units developed on the site prior to completion if you are unable to meet the criteria. You could email the Controller at ura if you need any information on licensing requirements.

Questions 5 - 7 included on 15 January 2015

Q5    Given the maximum Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 59,715 sqm (subject to cadastral survey) and assuming a total Gross Floor Area (GFA) of 21,000 sqm is to be developed in Zone 2, can you advise on the following:-

(a)    Whether the prevailing Development Control (DC) guideline on the maximum allowable number of dwelling units for non-landed residential developments outside the Central Area is applicable to serviced apartments too?

(b)    What is the maximum number of flats that can be allowed in Zone 1?

(c)    What is the maximum number of flats and serviced apartment units that can be allowed in Zone 1?

(d)    What is the maximum number of serviced apartment units that can be allowed in Zone 2?

A5    The prevailing DC guideline on maximum allowable number of dwelling units for non-landed residential developments outside the Central Area is not applicable to serviced apartments. However, the proposed layout and design of serviced apartments will be subject to evaluation at the formal planning application stage based on planning and traffic considerations. The successful tenderer shall also ensure that the serviced apartments are designed to be of satisfactory layout with self-contained units comprising living/dining room, bedrooms, kitchen and toilets.

If the successful tenderer utilises the remaining 38,715 sqm of GFA for flats in Zone 1 after setting aside 21,000 sqm GFA for commercial / serviced apartment use in Zone 2, the maximum number of flats that can be allowed in Zone 1 shall not exceed 553 units based on the prevailing DC guideline.

If the successful tender utilises the remaining 38,715 sqm of GFA for a mixture of flats and serviced apartment uses in Zone 1 after setting aside 21,000 sqm GFA for commercial / serviced apartment use in Zone 2, the maximum number of flats and serviced apartment units in Zone 1 shall not exceed 570 units, taking into account Conditions 3.2 and 4.3.6 of Technical Conditions of Tender as well as the prevailing DC guideline on number of residential flats.

[This Q&A 5 is updated on 27 April 2015] 

Q6    Based on Clause 10.2 of the Conditions and Requirements of Relevant Competent Authorities and Public Utility Licensees (CA), the successful tenderer is required to adopt prefabricated bathroom units (PBUs) for at least 65% of the bathroom units in the non-landed residential component. However, URA’s circular on 9 December 2014 indicated that at least 80% of the bathroom units should be adopted PBUs. Which control should be applicable for the sale site at Holland Road?

A6    Both controls are applicable to the Holland Road site. Based on Clause 10.2 of the CA, the successful tenderer is required to adopt prefabricated bathroom units (PBUs) for at least 65% of the bathroom units in the non-landed residential component. However, if the successful tenderer wishes to enjoy the GFA incentives applicable under the balcony bonus GFA scheme, at least 80% of the bathroom units in the non-landed residential component shall be PBUs.

Q7    If additional GFA, over and above the maximum permissible GFA, which is accrued from the incentive GFA schemes is allowed and approved by the Competent Authority under the Planning Act for Zone 2, can you confirm whether the payment for Differential Premium on the said additional GFA will be based on Use Group A for the retail uses (such as shops and restaurants as indicated in Condition 4.3.2 of Technical Conditions of Tender) and Group B2 for Serviced Apartment use?

A7     Assuming the development is assessed to be qualified for additional GFA under the incentive GFA schemes, the payment for differential premium will be based on Group A rate for the said retail uses and Group B2 rate for serviced apartment use.

Questions 8 - 9 included on 28 January 2015

Q8    If the subject site only attains Green Mark (GM) Goldplus rating, would the site be entitled for additional 1% GFA on top of the maximum permissible GFA of 59,715 sq m (subject to cadastral survey)?

A8    The subject site will not be eligible for any GM GFA incentive if only a GM Goldplus rating is obtained for the site.

Q9    If the subject site attains Green Mark (GM) Platinum rating, would the additional GFA be 1% or 2% on top of the maximum permissible GFA of 59,715 sqm (subject to cadastral survey)?

A9    The subject site will be eligible for the GM GFA incentive of 1% on top of the maximum permissible GFA for the site, if BCA endorses the development to be capable of meeting the GM Platinum rating. Please note this is subject to the overall budget of 10% for additional GFA allowed beyond the maximum permissible GFA under the various bonus GFA schemes.

Question 10 included on 18 February 2015

Q10    I would like to know when is the tender submission date for the subject sale site at Holland Road?

A10    The sale site at Holland Road is currently released for sale under the Reserve List. Under the Reserve List system, the subject site will be launched for tender only if a developer’s indicated minimum price in his application is acceptable to the Government. The Government will also consider launching this Reserve List site for tender if it has received sufficient market interest for the site. This is when more than one unrelated party has submitted a minimum price that is close to the Government’s Reserve Price, within a reasonable period.

As the subject site has not been triggered for sale yet, at present, there is no tender submission date for the site.

More details on the Reserve List procedures can be found at URA online via the following weblink: ura

Questions 11 - 32 included on 24 February 2015

Q11    How long is the time period given to submit the concept proposals once the site is launched for sale?

A11    A tender period of about 4 months will be given when the site is launched for sale.

Q12    The minimum GFA to be developed in Zone 2 is 21,000 sqm whereas the maximum retail GFA to be allowed is 13,500 sqm. What uses can I develop for the difference of 7,500 sqm GFA?

A12    The remaining GFA of 7,500 sqm can be developed for serviced apartment use and other commercial uses such as offices and commercial school.

Q13    Can I develop commercial use in Zone 1?

A13    Zone 1 is intended for residential use. Any commercial quantum proposed in Zone 1 should only be for personal services trades as specified in our current Development Control guidelines for residential developments.

Q14    Can I develop serviced apartments instead of flats in Zone 1 and Zone 2?

A14    Yes, the successful tenderer may choose to develop serviced apartments in both Zone 1 and Zone 2. Flats are not allowed in Zone 2.

Q15    Can Zone 1 and Zone 2 be maintained separately by the respective owners?

A15    Yes, a sub-MC may be formed in Zone 1 with the common facilities serving the residents such as swimming pool, gym and car park designated as limited common property to the said sub-MC. The owner for Zone 2 is to maintain all components within the zone which are to be held under a single strata lot.

Q16    If I develop serviced apartments in Zone 2, must it be under the same strata lot as the rest of commercial uses in Zone 2?

A16    Yes, all components in Zone 2 are to be held under a single strata lot.

Q17    Can the car park at basement level be straddled between Zone 1 and Zone 2?

A17    While it may be possible to straddle the basement car parks between Zone 1 and Zone 2, the car parks in both zones are to be physically separated and clearly demarcated in the strata title plan to avoid future dispute over the maintenance responsibility.

Q18    All components in Zone 2 are to be held under a single strata lot. Is the restriction based on time period?

A18    Based on tender conditions, there is no time expiry date for the restriction on strata subdivision of all components in Zone 2. The successful tenderer shall not strata subdivide any components in Zone 2, unless otherwise approved by the Competent Authority.

Q19    Can I vary the building heights as stipulated in the urban design requirements for the Holland Road site? If so, can I submit more than one concept proposal?

A19    The proposed building height is specified with a view to achieve a prevailing planning objective as outlined in the tender conditions. Tenderers may submit alternative proposal for consideration. If the CEC/URA is satisfied that the alternative proposal will also achieve the desired planning objectives, the successful tenderer may be allowed to adopt the alternative proposal.

While tenderers may submit more than one concept proposal, including design proposal that deviates from the stipulated urban design requirements, each concept proposal submitted shall be considered as a separate tender bid with a price tender and the required amount of tender deposits. Tenderers are to conduct their own internal shortlisting of the architectural schemes and put forward their strongest and best schemes that clearly demonstrate the ability to meet the evaluation criteria for the Holland Road site.

Q20    Can URA allow the pedestrian malls be sheltered? Currently, it is inconvenient to walk around the existing Holland Village when it rains as there is no shelter provided.

A20    The pedestrian malls are envisaged as extensions to the existing Lorongs which are opened to sky in Holland Village. Hence, while we can consider some lightweight linkages between the various blocks and/or lightweight canopies over parts of the pedestrian malls, the malls are NOT intended to be substantially covered over. It is all about creating a successful design and experience for the public realm, and how the proposed shelters are integrated into the overall design. There should be opportunities to enjoy good weather and the malls should be conceived as streets. Developers should also consider other creative ways of providing indirect shelter, for instance through art installations as an example.

Q21    Where should the Elevated Pedestrian Bridge (EPB) be landed into Zone 2?

A21    The landing of the EPB should be integrated with the at-grade pedestrian network in Zone 2.

Q22    Is the fence-less concept applied to only Zone 1?

A22    The intention is to create a development that reads as a single whole (Zone 1 and Zone 2). The developer/architecture team should explore more innovative ways to create a fence-less concept, such as the use of landscaping, low concealed walls and water features to create a barrier where access control is needed.

Q23    Is there any underground connection to Holland Village MRT station?

A23    No, there is no underground connection to the MRT station. Access to the MRT station is on at-grade level, via the pedestrian malls and existing Holland Village streets.

Q24    Can there be other features besides stairs at the transition zone?

A24    A combination of stairs, elevator and escalator can also be allowed. However, they should be conceived as extension of the at-grade public spaces and allow participation / interaction with the activities within the public open spaces.

Q25    Can Zone 2 be allowed a design with a podium?

A25    The part of the development within Zone 2 is envisioned to be a seamless extension of the existing Holland Village, with an emphasis on street-based building typologies and activities. The buildings fronting the existing Holland Village should be low-rise, gradually terracing towards the higher-rise buildings in Zone 1. The buildings should respond to the linearity of the required pedestrian malls, with low rises flanking these new streets so that the intimate streetscape of Holland Village can be extended into the sale site.

Q26    We are unsure of the extent and location of the temporary 24hr pedestrian connection according to the subject site’s Location and Control Plan. In order to avoid any misinterpretation, please provide a picture and give an indication of its extent and location.

A26    The temporary 24h pedestrian connection should connect the URA interim car park (to be built on the site marked for Future Development along Holland Drive and adjacent to 13 Holland Drive) to the existing Holland Village lorongs. The actual alignment of the pedestrian connection will depend on the phasing of the construction works at the sale site and the proposed dual 2, 26.2m road connecting Holland Drive and Holland Avenue. However, the connection should be as convenient as possible for pedestrians to travel between the Holland Village lorongs and the URA interim car park, and should be safe for pedestrian use.

Q27    Does the temporary 24hr pedestrian connection need to be covered?

A27    No, the temporary 24hr pedestrian connection need not be sheltered, unless the sheltering is necessary for the safety of the pedestrians using the connection during the construction period.

Q28    Can I obtain phased TOPs for the sale site?

A28    Tender conditions specify that TOP for the entire development of the sale site (including Zones 1 & 2) shall be obtained before the expiry of Project Completion Period of 7 years for the site. Phased TOPs for the development may be allowed, subject to approval from the relevant Authorities, including Building and Construction Authority.

Q29    Assuming we are proposing additional 1% GFA (under GreenMark Platinum GFA incentive scheme), can the 10% balcony GFA be computed after adding the 1% GreenMark GFA or be computed from 38,715 sqm? i.e. is the maximum balcony GFA 3,910.215 sqm or 3,871.50 sqm?

A29    No. The bonus balcony GFA is subject to the same overall budget of 10% for additional GFA allowed beyond the maximum permissible GFA under the various bonus GFA schemes.

Q30    Condition 4.3.4 of the Technical Conditions of Tender states that flats, serviced apartments and / or strata landed houses could be allowed in Zone 1 (with prior approval). Please clarify if we can obtain prior approval for strata landed houses and serviced apartments to be allowed in Zone 1 even before the award of tender, when there is no planning submission and approval involved?

A30    Serviced apartments and strata landed houses can be allowed in Zone 1, but is subject to detailed evaluation of the layout and design at formal planning application stage.

Q31    We understand that URA will not accord “Condominium” status to developments comprising a mix of strata landed houses and apartment units, based on the Circular No: URA/PB/2012/05-DCG dated 2 April 2012. Can the proposal in Zone 1 be accorded "Condominium" status if we propose purely apartment units and comply with the condominium guidelines within Zone 1?

A31    As the site is zoned Commercial-Residential, residential development within Zone 1 will not be accorded “Condominium” status.

Q32    Can URA share with us the materials presented at the briefing sessions on 22 and 23 Jan 2015?

A32    A copy of URA’s in-house video and briefing slides can be found in URA’s website via the link below:-


Questions 33 - 41 included on 12 March 2015

Q33    Does the cap of 570 units only applicable for Zone 1 or it will also be applicable for Zone 2?

A33    The said cap only applies to Zone 1. For Zone 2, as all the components within it are to be held under a single strata lot, the residential use within this zone can only be for serviced apartments. The specific number of serviced apartment units to be allowed will be subject to evaluation based on planning and traffic considerations.

Q34    If I develop serviced apartments in Zone 1 and Zone 2, what is the requirement on strata subdivision?

A34    No strata subdivision is allowed for the serviced apartments. If the successful tenderer chooses to build serviced apartments in Zone 1 and Zone 2, they may choose to hold separate strata lots for Zone 1 and Zone 2, or to hold a single strata lot comprising the serviced apartments in Zone 1 and all components in Zone 2.

Q35    Does the existing car park and parking deck need to remain on site? If it is for demolition, who will demolish it?

A35    The existing car park structures on site will need to be demolished by the successful tenderer (refer to Condition 4.21 of the Technical Conditions of Tender (TCOT)). However, before the car park is hoarded up for demolition, the successful tenderer should ensure that a temporary pedestrian connection from URA’s interim carpark at Holland Drive to the existing Holland Village Lorongs and the taxi stand along Holland Avenue is in place (refer to Condition 4.19 of TCOT).

Q36    Would the additional 308 car parking spaces and 56 motorcycle parking spaces to be provided in Zone 2 be sufficient to cater to the demand for car parking in the area?

A36    LTA’s requirements on the additional car parking spaces and motorcycle parking spaces to be provided as part of the development were determined taking into account the current and projected traffic demand in the area and the current parking situation in the existing HDB car park that is affected by the development of the sale site.

Q37    Can the car parks serving Zone 1 and Zone 2 share a common vehicular access or must the vehicular access be separated?

A37    There should be separate and physically independent vehicular accesses to the two respective car parks in Zone 1 and Zone 2. The locations of the vehicular accesses to the car parks are indicated in the Control Plan.

Q38    Can the facades of the developments be maintained by the respective owners in Zone 1 (i.e. sub-MC) and Zone 2, i.e. approval from main Management Committee (MC) is not required if the owners want to carry out their own facade refurbishment (eg painting)?

A38    Under the prevailing Building Maintenance & Strata Management Act (BMSMA), the roofs and external walls of a building are considered common property. Based on consultations with BCA and SLA, responsibility for the maintenance of the building facade can be assigned separately to the respective owners of the developments in Zone 1 and Zone 2 in the following manners:

Zone 1 - The boundary line for the strata flat units in Zone 1 to be based on the centre of the wall, with the area from the centre of the exterior wall up to the outer surface of the exterior wall to be made Limited Common Property to Zone 1. These areas shall be shown as intended Residential Limited Common Property explicitly in the Strata Title Plan (Limited Common Property) so that its maintenance would come under the responsibility of the Residential Sub-MC in Zone 1.

Zone 2 – The boundary line for all the components in Zone 2 can be drawn right up to the outer face of the building instead of the centre of the wall. The developer should make it clear to all purchasers of Zone 1 and Zone 2 that the exterior wall in Zone 2 is not intended to be common property given the demarcation.

Thus, with the above mentioned arrangements, approval from the main MC is not required should the owners of Zone 1 and Zone 2 choose to carry out their own facade refurbishments.

Q39    Can URA share how the track record will be assessed? Would URA accept a project that is under construction but planning approval has been obtained as a track record?

A39    The assessment of track record for the design and development team will be based on their past mixed-use development projects that are of similar quality, scale and type. These could include projects that are under construction. The track record is to demonstrate to the Concept Evaluation Committee (CEC) that the tenderer’s development and design team is capable of developing and managing the mixed-use development as outlined in the submitted concept proposal envisioned for the sale site.

Q40    During the briefing on 23 Jan 2015, it was mentioned that part of the deliverables includes a digital 3D model. We would like to clarify on the level of detail required for the digital 3D model and the format it should be submitted, such as AutoCAD, Revit, Sketchup, etc.

A40    The digital 3D model should show how the concept proposal responds to the planning and urban design intentions for the site and the surrounding context. It should be submitted in AutoDesk 3Ds Max file format [version 2014 and below (.max)] or a digital 3D model in SketchUp file format [version 8 and below (.skp)].

Q41    When would the Holland Road site be triggered for sale or transferred to the Confirmed List? What is the timeframe of releasing adjacent residential sites for sale?

A41    The sale site at Holland Road is currently released for sale under the 1H2015 Reserve List of the GLS Programme. The site will be launched for tender if a developer submits an application for the sale of the site with acceptable minimum price or if there is sufficient market interest for the site as shown by more than one unrelated party submitted a minimum price for the sale of the site, that is close to the Government’s Reserve Price, within a reasonable period. The Government will also review the GLS Programme every 6 months and if needed, will consider launching the site via Confirmed List in future GLS Programmes.

Currently, there is no firm timeframe to release the adjacent residential sites within the Holland Village Extension area for sale yet.

Questions 42 - 44 included on 1 April 2015

Q42    Since Zone 1 and Zone 2 are to be maintained by the respective owners, can URA consider allowing land subdivision to separate the two zones?

A42    Land subdivision may be allowed subject to the following conditions:-

a)    The designs and the developments in Zone 1 and Zone 2 are to be independent of each other with separate physical vehicular access and building structures including basement carparks, sub-stations, bin centres and other ancillary structures. The proposal is subject to compliance with Development Control guidelines such as building setback and satisfactory layout at the formal DC submission stage.

b)    Proposal for land subdivision may only be submitted after the whole development on the land parcel is completed [i.e. obtain Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC)], and

c)    Approval for land subdivision is subject to the two Zones being first rezoned through the statutory Master Plan amendment process to reflect the as-built GPR and land use of each Zone.

Q43    Based on Condition 4.15.4 of Technical Conditions of Tender, an additional 308 car parking spaces and 56 motorcylce parking spaces are to be provided for public use within Zone 2's carpark. Would the income from these additional 308 car park spaces and 56 motorcycle spaces belong to the owner of Zone 2 or would it have to be returned to the state?

A43    The additional 308 car parking spaces and 56 motorcycle parking spaces will be comprised in the strata lot of Zone 2 and the owner of Zone 2 will retain the recurring income from these parking spaces.

Q44    Do you have more information on the details of the CCL tunnel such as its depth and relevant plans / drawings?

A44    A copy of the CCL plans/drawings is available for viewing at URA. Please contact Ms Priscillia Wong at Tel No. 63218262 to register for the viewing of the plans.

Question 45 included on 6 April 2015

Q45    Can URA consider shifting the ingress and egress to the basement car park serving Zone 2 northwards, after the Central Focal Point and between MRT 2nd Reserve and MRT Railway Protection Zone?

A45    Based on the road layout in the area, safety considerations and sufficient queuing space, LTA has specified that the vehicular ingress/egress to the basement carpark for Zone 2 should be taken from the location as shown in Control Plan. In addition, the elevation fronting Holland Village Way is also to be treated as a main elevation. Alternate vehicular ingress/egress is subject to detailed studies via Traffic Impact Assessment and further discussions with LTA and URA.

Questions 46 and 47 included on 24 April 2015

Q46    Since it is a Concept & Price Tender and to minimise discrepancies from fundamentals such as site topography and existing conditions, may I have a soft copy of the planimetric survey as a standardised base to work out the proposed design concept?

A46    Yes, you may obtain a soft copy of the planimetric survey plan which shall strictly be reserved for reference in relation to the tender of the sale site at Holland Road. Neither the Government nor URA is liable or responsible for any inaccuracy, error or omission in the planimetric survey plan or in the information contained therein.

All persons, other than the successful tenderer for the Holland Road site, must delete and remove all soft copies of the planimetric survey plan from their computers/electronics systems or devices immediately upon URA’s award of the tender for the Holland Road site. Only the successful tenderer is allowed to retain the soft copy of the planimetric survey plan.

Q47    I refer to Development Control Guidelines on maximum allowable number of dwelling units for non-landed residential developments outside the Central Area. Can I use bonus GFA (eg balcony or Green Mark GFA) to compute the maximum allowable dwelling units to be allowed?

A47    Bonus GFA (e.g. balcony or Green Mark GFA) is not allowed to be included for the computation of the maximum allowable number of dwelling units. The maximum allowable number of dwelling units in Zone 1 is subject to the prevailing Development Control Guidelines or a cap of 570 units, whichever is lower, as stated in Conditions 3.2 and 4.3.6 of Technical Conditions of Tender.

Question 48 included on 28 May 2015

Q48    How many carpark / motor lots are there in URA interim carpark at Holland Drive and when will it be completed and opened for public use? Will it be an open-air or multi-storey carpark?

A48    There will be 275 carpark lots and 42 motorcycle lots. It is scheduled to be completed and opened for public use in 4th Quarter 2015. It is an open-air carpark.

Question 49 included on 3 June 2015

Q49    May I confirm that the submission of concept proposal is not required for the purpose of triggering the Holland Road site for sale?

A49    Yes, submission of concept proposal is not required for the purpose of triggering the site for sale. The applicant only needs to submit a prescribed form in a sealed envelope to URA (the land sale agent) and indicate in the application the minimum price that the applicant is willing to bid for the site if it is put up for tender. Details on triggering Reserve List sites are available at ura

Source: URA

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Peace Centre Mansions En Bloc | Perumal Road Condo | Northumberland Road Condo | Uptown at Farrer | 1953 Condo | LYF | Tessensohn Residence |
District 9
Cairnhill Mansions En Bloc | Orchard Bel-Air En-Bloc | Pacific Mansions En Bloc | Robertson Quay Condo | Paterson Road Condo | Cavenagh Gardens En-Bloc | Cavenagh Gardens | Cavenagh Road Condo | Orchard Boulevard Road Condo | Orchard Road Condo | Scotts Road Condo | Cairnhill Road Condo | Riviera Point | The Iveria | The Iveria Condo Floor Plans | Cairnhill Mansions | One Tree Hill | River Valley Road Condo | Martin Place Condo | Martin Modern | Kim Seng Road Condo | Handy Road Condo | Haus on Handy | Jiak Kim Street Condo | Riviere Condo | Fraser Residence Promenade | Avenir Condo | Pacific Mansions | Great World MRT Station Condo | Martin Place Residences | The Rise at Oxley Residences | Orchard Paterson Cairnhill Road Condo | Core Central Region Condo | Robertson Quay Condo | Paterson Collection | St Thomas Walk | Leonie Hill Road Condo | Horizon Towers | Leonie Gardens | New Futura | Cairnhill Nine | 3 Orchard by the Park | Twin Peaks |
District 10
Grange Road Condo | Farrer Road Condo | Tulip Gardens En Bloc | Tulip Garden Residences | Leedon Green | Leedon Green Floor Plans | Tulip Garden Residences Floor Plans | Tulip Garden | Tanglin Road Condo | Jervois Gardens | Crystal Towers | Juniper Hill Condo by AllGreen Properties | Juniper Hill | The Hyde at Balmoral | The Hyde | Balmoral Road Condo | Jervois Road Condo | Petit Jervois | Jervois Prive Exclusive Condo | Jervois Prive | Jervois Treasures Condo Floor Plans | Jervois Treasures | Tanglin Shopping Centre En Bloc | Tanglin Shopping Centre | Jervois Gardens En Bloc | Spring Grove En Bloc | Spring Grove | Hallmark Residences | Wilshire Residences | Sloane Residences | Ewe Boon Road Condo | Bukit Timah Road Condo | Bukit Timah Collection | Cluny Park Residence | Cuscaden Road Condo | Petit Cuscaden | Cuscaden Reserve | Cuscaden Reserve Condo Floor Plans | Boulevard 88 | Pollen and Bleu | Leedon Residence | Gramercy Park | Ardmore Three 3 | Sculptura Ardmore | RV Residences | Robin Residences | 18 Nouvel@ Anderson Road | Holland Road Condo | The Estoril | The Estoril En Bloc | Hollandia En Bloc | Hyll at Holland | Hollandia | TwentyOne Angullia Park | D'Leedon | Mon Jervois | Holland Village Residences | One Holland Village | One Holland Village A Mixed Development Design | Holland Village Condo | Van Holland | Van Holland Floor Plans | 15 Holland Hill | 15 Holland Hill Floor Plans |
District 11
Chancery Court En Bloc | Chancery Court Condo | Thomson Road Condo | Novena Condo | Newton Road Condo | Pullman Residences | Pullman Residences Floor Plans | Dunearn Road Condo | 386 Dunearn | Dunearn Court Condo | Derby Court | Fyve Derbyshire | Derbyshire Road Condo | Kampong Java Road |
District 12
Balestier Road Condo | Toa Payoh Condo | Neem Tree | Riverbay | Boon Teck Towers | Eight Riversuites | Boon Teck Towers En Bloc | Gem Residences | Kallang Riverside Condo |
District 13
Woodleigh Residences | Upper Serangoon Road Condo | Park Colonial | Woodleigh Lane Condo | Mattar Residences | Woodleigh MRT Condo | Woodleigh Condo | Woodleigh Link Condo | Bidadari New Estate Condo | Upper Aljunied Road Condo | Tre Ver | Raintree Gardens | Potong Pasir Avenue 1 Condo | Potong Pasir Condo | The Maisons | The Quinn | Mattar Road Condo | The Poiz Residences | The Venue Residences | Sant Ritz |
District 14
Eunos Condo | Eunos MRT Condo | Sims Avenue Condo | Changi Road Condo | Parc Esta | Eunosville | Eunosville En Bloc | City Plaza | City Plaza En Bloc | Paya Lebar Road Condo | Sims Drive Condo | Park Place Residences | Paya Lebar Quarters | Sims Avenue Condo | Paya Lebar Central |
District 15
Dunman Road Condo | Coastline Residences | Amber Sea | One Meyer | Albracca | Siglap MRT Station Condo | Marine Parade Road Condo | Casa Meyfort Condo | Meyer Mansion Floor Plans | Meyer Mansion | Meyer Modern | Nanak Mansions | Meyerhouse Exclusive Condominium | Meyerhouse | Meyerbank | Nyon | Rebirth of Amber Park Condo | Amber Park Condo Seafront Living | Amber Park | The Opus | Parkway Mansion | Amber Park En Bloc | Hawaii Tower En Bloc | Parkway Mansion En Bloc | Albracca En Bloc | Laguna Park | Laguna Park En Bloc | Tanjong Katong MRT Station Condo | Meyer Road Condo | Hawaii Tower | Katong Park MRT Condo | Katong Park Residences | Katong Park Towers | Amber Gardens Condo | Amber Road Condo | Neptune Court | Neptune Court En Bloc | Lagoon View | Lagoon View En Bloc | East Coast Marine Parade Condo | Katong Shopping Centre | Katong Shopping Centre En Bloc | Mountbatten Road Condo |
District 16
Siglap Road Condo | Mandarin Gardens | Mandarin Gardens En Bloc | New Upper Changi Road Condo | The Glades | Bedok South Condo |
District 17
The Inflora |
District 18
Tampines Court | Treasure at Tampines | Tampines Court En Bloc | Tampines Street 11 Condo | Tampines Avenue 10 Condo | Coco Palms |
District 19
Florence Regency En-Bloc | Florence Residences Condo Club | Florence Regency | Rio Casa | Kensington Park En-Bloc | Kensington Park | Serangoon Ville | Serangoon Ville En Bloc | Forestwood Residences | Hougang Avenue 2 Condo | Hougang Central Condo | Hougang Condo | Riverfront Residences | Hougang Avenue 7 Condo | Affinity | Serangoon North Avenue 1 Condo | The Garden Residences | New Condo | Serangoon Gardens Condo | Serangoon Central Condo | Lorong Lew Lian Condo | Riverbank Sengkang West Way Condominium | Yio Chu Kang Road Condo | Toho Green | Rivertrees Residences | Parc Botannia | Fernvale Road Condo | High Park Residences | Sengkang West Condo | New Tampines Road Condo | Kingsford Waterbay | Botanique at Bartley | Buangkok Condo | Buangkok MRT Station Condo | Sengkang Central Condo | Sengkang Grand Residences | Sengkang Central Residences | Sengkang Central Residences Floor Plans | Sengkang Grand Residences Floor Plans | Sengkang Central Residences Prices | Sengkang Grand Residences Prices |
District 20
Marymount Road Condo | Braddell View En Bloc | Lentor Hill Road Condo | Lentor Central Condo | Braddell View | Shunfu Road Condo | Jade Scape | Far Horizon Gardens | Far Horizon Gardens En Bloc | Ang Mo Kio Avenue 9 Condo | Faber Gardens | New Lorong Puntong Condo | Thomson Impressions Condo | Adana | Panorama | Upper Thomson Road Condo | Yio Chu Kang Road Condo | Lentor Road Condo | Caldecott Condo | Bishan Central Condo | Lentor Drive Condo |
District 21
Jalan Anak Bukit Condo | Beauty World Condo | Goh & Goh Building En Bloc | Pine Grove | Pine Grove Condo | Pandan Valley Condo | Ridgewood Condo | Ridgewood Condo En Bloc | Mayfair Collection | Mayfair Gardens Condo | Mayfair Modern | King Albert Park MRT Station Condo | Mount Sinai Condo | Ulu Pandan Road Condo | Pine Grove En Bloc |
District 22
Jurong Condo | Lake Grande Condo | Lakeville | J Gateway |
District 23
Toh Tuck Road Condo | Kismis View | Dairy Farm Road Condo | Dairy Farm Residences | Dairy Farm Residences Floor Plans | Foresque Residences | The Lanai | Hillion Residences | Bukit Batok Condo | Hillview Rise Condo | Dairy Farm Residences Prices |
District 25
Woodlands Square Condo | Woodlands Square Commercial | Woodlands Central Condo |
District 26
Springside Road Condo |
District 27
NorthPark Residences | Canberra Drive Condo Sembawang | Canberra Link Condo Sembawang | New Yishun Ave 4 Condo | The Wisteria | Condominium Yishun Central | Symphony Suites | Yishun Avenue 9 Condo | Sembawang Road Condo |
District 28
Jalan Kandis Condo | Kandis Residence |
Executive Condo
Parc Life EC | Choa Chu Kang Drive EC | Sol Acres EC | The Vales EC | Tampines Avenue 10 EC | Tampines Street 62 EC | Fernvale Lane EC | Tampines EC | Signature at Yishun | Choa Chu Kang Grove EC | Bukit Batok EC | Tengah EC | Choa Chu Kang Avenue 5 EC | Woodlands Avenue 12 EC | Sembawang Avenue EC | The Visionaire | New EC at Canberra Link | Canberra Link EC Sembawang | Parc Canberra | Yishun Avenue 9 EC | Yishun Street 51 EC | The Criterion EC Yishun | Yio Chu Kang Road EC | New EC | Serangoon North EC | Yishun Avenue 1 EC | The Terrace EC Punggol | The Amore EC Punggol | Westwood Residences EC | Anchorvale Lane EC Sengkang | Sungei Punggol Reservoir EC Sengkang | Anchorvale Street EC Sengkang | Ola EC | Ola EC Prices and Floor Plans | Westwood Avenue EC | Choa Chu Kang Way EC | Canberra Drive EC Sembawang | BrownStone EC | Choa Chu Kang EC | LakeLife EC Jurong | Jurong EC Jurong | Punggol Drive EC Punggol | Woodlands Avenue 5 EC Woodlands | Parc Canberra Floor Plans | Sumang Walk EC Punggol | Piermont Grand | Piermont Grand EC Prices | Punggol Central EC Punggol |