Everything you always wanted to ask about where 20 per cent of your pay cheque is going – answered simply and plainly
Congratulations on landing your first job. You are now officially an adult, with cool adult stuff like a regular pay cheque, after-work happy hour drinks with the team, and a wardrobe that holds more than just T-shirts and hoodies. But all that also comes with the not-so-cool adult stuff. Like being aware of how much you have in your OA, what to do with your SA, when your MA suddenly turns into an RA, how to keep up with the MS, while pondering what on earth a CPFIS is and whether it is contagious.
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10 years minimum sum schedule
An instrument to pay healthcare
An instrument to pay housing
CPF Interest Rates
CPF investments
CPF Medisave Account
CPF minimum sum policy
CPF Ordinary Account OA
CPF Retirement Account RA
Gauranteed by Singapore government
Insurance endownments
Interest rates on CPF funds
Long term savings
Monthly CPF contributions
Monthly savings into CPF account