SINGAPORE has been a major trading nation despite having no significant natural resources of its own. From its early days as an outpost of the Sumatran Srivijaya Empire ("Temasek" or "seatown") to becoming a major port of call between Europe and East Asia for ships plying their trade in the 1800s, its excellent harbour, the free trade status conferred on it by its founder, Stamford Raffles, and the development of rubber planting had set the course for Singapore to become a major export-import centre.
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Business complexities in changing landscape
Centralised trading hub experience
Easy access to financial markets
Extract efficiencies across activity
Information data and systems architecture
Infrastructure and incentives
Major port of call
Major trading nation
Optimise costs and returns
Outsourcing phenomena and global complex supply chains
Political stability and robust legal system
Sophisticated with technological advancement
Talent pool