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Riding the en bloc fever wave

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The big “E” (read: en bloc) has been making waves in the property market for a good part of the year. Everyone is talking about it but what does en bloc fever really entail?

En bloc fever is a property phenomenon that brings optimism to the real estate market. Thus far in 2017, there have already been six residential developments and an industrial complex sold en bloc. This figure far exceeds the three deals done in 2016. Looking at the numbers, we have hit S$2.5 billion in collective sale transactions, more than doubling the S$1 billion achieved in 2016. With a handful of deals in the pipeline and a few more awaiting bids; we can fully expect more en bloc deals to come into the market as we approach the last quarter of 2017. So where do we go from here? I will delve deeper and analyse the en bloc market in this article.

As the en bloc market is so large, I have decided to break it down into different groups and this article will turn the spotlight solely on ex-HUDC estates and their collective sales potential.

The main driving forces behind the en bloc fever

The demand for land parcels far outweigh the supply of land parcels. This is because the real estate market is starting to form a floor in terms of pricing as more and more buyers are starting to look for property.

The winds of change started blowing in the property sector when the government started easing some cooling measures in the form of a reduction in Seller Stamp Duty (SSD) and increased flexibility with regards to the Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) in March 2017. With all these positive factors forming the base, the real estate cycle is starting to turn bullish as it is fueled by rising optimism all over the market.

In order to not miss out of the next real estate bull run, real estate developers who lack a solid land bank to develop on are afraid to miss out. Developers who already have land want more land because… who doesn’t want more money? With so much demand for land parcels and the lack of land parcels available, it is hard to imagine a scenario where property prices do not continue their upward trajectory in Singapore.

It is inevitable that developers will become increasingly aggressive with their land bids and we will see galvanised activity for en bloc sales in the days to come. This will be most prominent in former HUDC estates as they are widely considered hidden pots of gold for real estate developers.

Why are privatised HUDC estates a hotbed for en bloc fever?

Privatised HUDC estates are a unique class of property in Singapore. They were originally created for the sandwiched class of Singaporeans who can afford more than HDB flats, but cannot quite afford private condos. These estates are generally located in established mature estates, situated in good locations and have a decent land size. From the perspective of real estate developers looking to increase their land bank, privatised HUDC estates are exactly what real estate developers look out for when looking for en bloc candidates.

DevelopmentLand Area (sqft)DistrictEnbloc yearSold forBuyer
Amberville 218,435 15 2006 $183 million Far East Organization
Waterfront View 809,037 16 2006 $385 million FCL Peak
Minton Rise 472,379 19 2007 $209 million Kheng Leong
Gilman Heights 836,432 4 2007 $548 million CapitaLand led consortium
Farrer Court 838,488 11 2007 $1.34 billion CapitaLand led consortium
Shunfu Ville 427,265 20 2016 $638 million Qingjian Realty
Raintree Gardens 201,405 13 2016 $334.2 million UVD (Projects)
Rio Casa 410,654 19 2017 $575 million Oxley-Lian Beng Venture
Eunosville 376,713 20 2017 $765 million MCL Land
Serangoon Ville 296,911 19 2017 $499 million Oxley Serangoon
Tampines Court 702,458 18 - asking $960 million Tender Closing Aug 15, 2017
Florence Regency 389,235 19 -   En bloc process started
Laguna Park 677,493 15 -   En bloc process started
Ivory Heights 825,500 22 -   En bloc process started
Pine Grove 893,129 21 -   Enbloc process started
Chancery Court 123,139 11 -   En bloc process started
Braddell View 618,222 20 -   En bloc process not started
Lakeview Estate 242,734 20 -   En bloc process not started

Looking at this group, all 18 estates have since been privatised and a whooping 10 of them have been sold en bloc; five of which in recent years. Out of the remaining eight, six have started the en bloc process and I believe the other two will soon follow suit.

That being said, let’s take a look at the last five recent privatised HUDC en bloc sales and then figure out the en bloc potential for the remaining eight. I will not touch on the five collective sales that happened in 2006 and 2007 because those happened in a different environment as regulations, sentiment and market factors have changed since then.

Let’s take a look at the five recent ex-HUDC en bloc sales

There were five ex-HUDC estates that successfully completed their enbloc in the last two years – Shunfu Ville, Raintree Gardens, Rio Casa, Eunosville and Serangoon Ville. From a market standpoint, these were the low hanging fruit. Looking at the number of units in each development, all five developments were not too large nor too small.

The sweet spot for developers and marketing agencies handling en blocs takes a general rule of 300 – 500 units as ideal en bloc targets. This is because if there are too few units, the development might be too small for the developer to even be interested. In the developer’s eyes, it’s always better to acquire a site with more land.

On the other hand, too many units pose another problem for the marketing agency because there are too many owners to convince to sell. There needs to be a consensus of at least 80% of owners for the en bloc exercise to be successful. If there are more owners, it makes it harder for the marketing agency to handle the exercise. As the saying goes, too many cooks spoil the broth.

The market tends to avoid developments over 500 units but this is not to say deals over 500 units do not get transacted, they are just not as ideal for the parties involved. In this case, ABSD penalties looming large over developers also slightly deters them from going into projects that are too large as the penalties for not selling all units within a certain time period can be hefty.

DevelopmentNo. of unitsLand Area 
Gross Floor Area
Land Area per unit
Gross Floor Area per unit
Shunfu Ville 358 427,265 1,196,342 1193 3342
Raintree Gardens 175 201,405 563,934 1151 3222
Rio Casa 286 410,654 1,149,831 1436 4020
Eunosville 330 376,713 1,054,796 1142 3196
Serangoon Ville 244 296,911 831,351 1217 3407

Looking at Gross Floor Area (GFA) per unit, you can tell how much each owner being bought out can yield for the developer. Units in those five projects had an average size of 1,200 sq ft. Comparing the 1,200 sq ft to the Gross Floor Area per unit, we can tell that for every unit being bought out through a collective sale, the developer that buys it would be able to build three units. This is based on the assumption that the developer builds 1,000 sq ft units on average.

DevelopmentSold for ($)DC/DP ($)Construction Cost
Cost ($)
Psf ($)
Projected Launch PsfEstimated Gross Profit ($)Operating Cost ($)Net Profit ($)
Shunfu Ville 638,000,000 217,000,000 478,536,800 1,333,536,800 1115 1449 400,061,040 60,009,156 340,051,884
Raintree Gardens 334,200,000 Included in Land Cost 225,573,600 559,773,600 993 1290 167,932,080 25,189,812 142,742,268
Rio Casa 575,000,000 208,000,000 459,932,480 1,242,932,480 1081 1405 372,879,744 55,931,962 316,947,782
Eunosville 765,000,000 194,000,000 421,918,560 1,380,918,560 1309 1702 414,275,568 62,141,335 352,134,233
Serangoon Ville 499,000,000 195,000,000 332,540,320 1,026,540,320 1235 1605 307,962,096 46,194,314 261,767,782

Delving deeper into the past five en blocs transactions, we can look at how much each developer stands to make. With a profit of around 20 – 25% for each of the above en bloc sales, you would be hard pressed to find a reason not to join the game. There is so much money to be made with a limited number of land parcels available. There will be more and more developers waking up from winter and joining the fray. As more players join the game, land bids will start increasing as everyone is gunning to be the top bidder for land parcels. The previous en blocs have already set a baseline and the upcoming en bloc bids are likely to follow the bullish nature of the real estate market now.

So what’s next for the remaining eight?

Of the remaining eight privatised HUDC estates – Tampines Court, Florence Regency, Laguna Park, Ivory Heights, Pine Grove, Chancery Court, Braddell View and Lakeview Estate – six have started the en bloc process.

evelopmentLocationLand Area (sq ft)DistrictPlot RatioNo. of unitsCompletion YearPrivatisedBuyer
Tampines Court Tampines Street 11 702,458 18 2.8 560 1985 2002 Tender Closing Aug 15, 2017 - Asking for 960m
Florence Regency Hougang Avenue 2 389,235 19 2.8 336 1986 2014 En bloc process started
Laguna Park Marine Parade Road 677,493 15 2.8 528 1978 2007 En bloc process started
Ivory Heights Jurong East Street 13 825,500 22 1.6 654 1986 1998 En bloc process started
Pine Grove Pine Grove 893,129 21 2.1 660 1984 1996 En bloc process started
Chancery Court Dunearn Road 123,139 11 1.4 136 1981 2004 En bloc process started
Braddell View Braddell Hill 618,222 20 2.1 918 1981 2017 En bloc process not started
Lakeview Estate Upper Thomson Road 242,734 20 2.1 240 1977 2003 En bloc process not started

Tampines Court

Tampines Court is expected to be the next development to be off the market with its tender closing by August 15, 2017. Attached to an ask price of $960 million that looks rather reasonable in view of its impressive land area of 702,458 sq ft, This deal is very close to being done. The Tampines area has been supported by a recent GLS parcel and brisk sales at neighbouring new projects – Alps and Santorini. The market is definitely picking up in Tampines with strong demand coming from HDB upgraders.

Florence Regency

Florence Regency is an exciting option for developers to consider. The estate is very close to revving into high gear with its en bloc exercise which commenced on July 15. Latest reports from the development show approval levels of over 75%. This is not too far away from the required 80% needed to embark on a collective sale tender. With the rising tide of the real estate market, obtaining an 80% majority is only a matter of time. Bids should be strong for the Florence Regency tender as pent-up demand for the Hougang area has been building for a long time now. This movement is strongly supported by the recent launch of nearby Executive Condominium (EC) Hundred Palms Residences. Even after being priced on the higher end of the EC spectrum at an average price of $836 psf, Hundred Palms Residences was oversubscribed with more than 2700 e-applications competing for only 531 units. All units were sold out in less than 7 hours.

Laguna Park

Laguna Park is an intriguing development in the East to look at. Situated at Marine Parade, the development has also kicked started its en bloc process. Although in its early stage, the land parcel under Laguna Park will be highly sought after. The Marine Parade area is extremely mature while not having many new projects in recent years. Spanning a whooping 677,493 sq ft, there will be many developers who have their eye on this prize. One concern coming out of Laguna Park would be if the current residents would even want to sell as they have voted nay before. However, with en bloc figures rising with the tide, a strong bid from a developer would be hard to say “no” to.

Ivory Heights

Nicely nested along Jurong East Street 13, Ivory Heights is close to the cluster of malls at Jurong East, yet another mature estate. In recent years, the Jurong area has seen a steady ascent out of suburban-hood with psf prices on the rise ever since the announcement of the High Speed Rail and creation of a second Central Business District. Ivory Heights sits in a soon-to-be prime area and developers will be straining to get in on the action when this plot of land comes onto the market. Bids will be high. With many new launch projects selling out and not too many plots of land in the area available currently, Ivory Heights is set to be highly sought after.

Pine Grove

Pin Grove takes the cake as having the largest plot of land at 893,129 sq ft, out of all the eight developments. Pine Grove has a storied history with en bloc exercises. Having gone through two failed en bloc attempts previously, this development is caught between a rock and a hard place. The development’s potential is tremendous with investment in the area slowly bringing up the value of this estate. Not surprisingly, this comes along with a high asking price. Although units in Pine Grove are well deserving of their price tags, the sheer size of this development effectively prices out many smaller developers from the bidding process. Positioned in a prime location, Pine Grove has much to offer but has to wait its turn. With a strong appetite for a collective sale at the recent general meeting, Pine Grove’s residents are definitely attracting attention from the market. The en bloc process will not be soon with this one but watch on as this sleeping giant slowly lumbers towards the finish line.

Chancery Court

Chancery Court can be said to be a gem of a development. Having called an extraordinary general meeting later in August to appoint a sales committee, this estate is throwing its hat into the en bloc ring. It is the smallest plot amongst the other en bloc contenders, spanning a total of 123,139 sq ft with 136 units. Chancery Court will be able to move fast with its prominent location along Dunearn Road. Many developers will have their eye on Chancery Court as the going quantum will allow many smaller players to be in the running. Bids for this project will likely be aggressive as competition will be stiff.

Braddell View

Braddell View is an outlier, having only privatised in 2017. This development is not ready for an en bloc exercise. Being host to 918 units, at only 618,222 sq ft, Braddell View will not be on many developers’ radar.

Lakeview Estate

Lakeview Estate is often overlooked. Although a good en bloc candidate on paper with its relatively small size of 242,734 sq ft and 240 units, Lakeview Estate has not been on the radar of the en bloc market for some reason. This should change soon as the market picks up and more and more collective sales in the HUDC estates go. It’s time in the en bloc sun will come sooner or later.

What does the recent bumper crop of collective sales mean for the property scene?

The next real estate boom is coming. Bullish bids for land do not come out of the blue. No one is in the business to lose money. Collective sales mark the bottom of the market. Every time a collective sale happens, the surrounding developments pick up in price and interest. This is because the bids from recent en bloc sales have been much higher than surrounding developments. This means that when the time comes for the new development to launch, the developer would have to include the build cost and their markup margin in the launch price. As a result, these en bloc projects would launch at a premium over current projects.

Looking at the new launch market currently, prices will continue to rise. The price increases have been supported by bullish en bloc tenders and a shortage of inventory as developers have not been active in maintaining their land supply. This movement will likely continue which would further boost en bloc activity. The cycle is a self-fulfilling prophecy that feeds on itself. This marks the turn of the tide and the real estate market has nowhere to go but up from here.


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Guest Wednesday, 05 March 2025
District 1
Marina Bay Condo | Shenton Way Commercial | Marina Bayfront Condo | Central Boulevard Condo | Central Boulevard Towers | Marina View | V on Shenton | Marina South Pier Condo | Marina One Residences | Shenton Way Condo |
District 2
Pearl Bank En Bloc | Outram Park MRT Condo | Silat Residences | Avenue South Residence | Sky Everton | Sky Everton Freehold Condo Prices | Outram Road Condo | One Pearl Bank | Excellent Connectivity from One Pearl Bank | One Pearl Bank Design and Layouts | Pearl Bank Apartments | Asia Gardens | Anson Road Condo | Tanjong Pagar Condo | Tanjong Pagar Commercial | Greater Southern Waterfront | Wallich Residence | Tanjong Pagar Centre |
District 3
Queenstown Condo | Queens Peak Condo | Dundee Road Condo | Margaret Ville | Margaret Drive Condo | Alexandra View Condo | Prince Charles Crescent Condo | Rest of Central Region Condo | Principal Garden | Silat Avenue Condo | Jalan Bukit Merah Condo | Kampong Bahru Road Condo | Stirling Road Condo | Stirling Residences | Commonwealth Avenue Condo | The Crest @ Prince Charles Crescent | Commonwealth Towers | Highline Residences | Alex Residences |
District 4
Corals at Keppel Bay | Skyline Residences | Reflections at Keppel Bay |
District 5
Park West Condominium En-Bloc | West Coast Vale Condo | Park West Condominium | Parc Clematis | Parc Riviera | The Trilinq | Bijou | West Coast Way Condo | One Normanton Park | Normanton Park Condo | Clementi Avenue 1 Condo | Jalan Lempeng Condo |
District 7
CityGate Condo | Selegie Road Condo | Sophia Road Condo | Tan Quee Lan Street Condo | The M | Middle Road Condo | South Beach Residences | Duo Residences | Beach Road Bugis Rochor Condo | Midtown Suite | Midtown Bay | Midtown Bay Floor Plans and Facilities | Beach Road Commercial | Golden Mile Complex | Textile Centre | Golden Mile Complex En Bloc | Textile Centre En Bloc | The Oasis |
District 8
Peace Centre Mansions En Bloc | Perumal Road Condo | Northumberland Road Condo | Uptown at Farrer | 1953 Condo | LYF | Tessensohn Residence |
District 9
Cairnhill Mansions En Bloc | Orchard Bel-Air En-Bloc | Pacific Mansions En Bloc | Robertson Quay Condo | Paterson Road Condo | Cavenagh Gardens En-Bloc | Cavenagh Gardens | Cavenagh Road Condo | Orchard Boulevard Road Condo | Orchard Road Condo | Scotts Road Condo | Cairnhill Road Condo | Riviera Point | The Iveria | The Iveria Condo Floor Plans | Cairnhill Mansions | One Tree Hill | River Valley Road Condo | Martin Place Condo | Martin Modern | Kim Seng Road Condo | Handy Road Condo | Haus on Handy | Jiak Kim Street Condo | Riviere Condo | Fraser Residence Promenade | Avenir Condo | Pacific Mansions | Great World MRT Station Condo | Martin Place Residences | The Rise at Oxley Residences | Orchard Paterson Cairnhill Road Condo | Core Central Region Condo | Robertson Quay Condo | Paterson Collection | St Thomas Walk | Leonie Hill Road Condo | Horizon Towers | Leonie Gardens | New Futura | Cairnhill Nine | 3 Orchard by the Park | Twin Peaks |
District 10
Grange Road Condo | Farrer Road Condo | Tulip Gardens En Bloc | Tulip Garden Residences | Leedon Green | Leedon Green Floor Plans | Tulip Garden Residences Floor Plans | Tulip Garden | Tanglin Road Condo | Jervois Gardens | Crystal Towers | Juniper Hill Condo by AllGreen Properties | Juniper Hill | The Hyde at Balmoral | The Hyde | Balmoral Road Condo | Jervois Road Condo | Petit Jervois | Jervois Prive Exclusive Condo | Jervois Prive | Jervois Treasures Condo Floor Plans | Jervois Treasures | Tanglin Shopping Centre En Bloc | Tanglin Shopping Centre | Jervois Gardens En Bloc | Spring Grove En Bloc | Spring Grove | Hallmark Residences | Wilshire Residences | Sloane Residences | Ewe Boon Road Condo | Bukit Timah Road Condo | Bukit Timah Collection | Cluny Park Residence | Cuscaden Road Condo | Petit Cuscaden | Cuscaden Reserve | Cuscaden Reserve Condo Floor Plans | Boulevard 88 | Pollen and Bleu | Leedon Residence | Gramercy Park | Ardmore Three 3 | Sculptura Ardmore | RV Residences | Robin Residences | 18 Nouvel@ Anderson Road | Holland Road Condo | The Estoril | The Estoril En Bloc | Hollandia En Bloc | Hyll at Holland | Hollandia | TwentyOne Angullia Park | D'Leedon | Mon Jervois | Holland Village Residences | One Holland Village | One Holland Village A Mixed Development Design | Holland Village Condo | Van Holland | Van Holland Floor Plans | 15 Holland Hill | 15 Holland Hill Floor Plans |
District 11
Chancery Court En Bloc | Chancery Court Condo | Thomson Road Condo | Novena Condo | Newton Road Condo | Pullman Residences | Pullman Residences Floor Plans | Dunearn Road Condo | 386 Dunearn | Dunearn Court Condo | Derby Court | Fyve Derbyshire | Derbyshire Road Condo | Kampong Java Road |
District 12
Balestier Road Condo | Toa Payoh Condo | Neem Tree | Riverbay | Boon Teck Towers | Eight Riversuites | Boon Teck Towers En Bloc | Gem Residences | Kallang Riverside Condo |
District 13
Woodleigh Residences | Upper Serangoon Road Condo | Park Colonial | Woodleigh Lane Condo | Mattar Residences | Woodleigh MRT Condo | Woodleigh Condo | Woodleigh Link Condo | Bidadari New Estate Condo | Upper Aljunied Road Condo | Tre Ver | Raintree Gardens | Potong Pasir Avenue 1 Condo | Potong Pasir Condo | The Maisons | The Quinn | Mattar Road Condo | The Poiz Residences | The Venue Residences | Sant Ritz |
District 14
Eunos Condo | Eunos MRT Condo | Sims Avenue Condo | Changi Road Condo | Parc Esta | Eunosville | Eunosville En Bloc | City Plaza | City Plaza En Bloc | Paya Lebar Road Condo | Sims Drive Condo | Park Place Residences | Paya Lebar Quarters | Sims Avenue Condo | Paya Lebar Central |
District 15
Dunman Road Condo | Coastline Residences | Amber Sea | One Meyer | Albracca | Siglap MRT Station Condo | Marine Parade Road Condo | Casa Meyfort Condo | Meyer Mansion Floor Plans | Meyer Mansion | Meyer Modern | Nanak Mansions | Meyerhouse Exclusive Condominium | Meyerhouse | Meyerbank | Nyon | Rebirth of Amber Park Condo | Amber Park Condo Seafront Living | Amber Park | The Opus | Parkway Mansion | Amber Park En Bloc | Hawaii Tower En Bloc | Parkway Mansion En Bloc | Albracca En Bloc | Laguna Park | Laguna Park En Bloc | Tanjong Katong MRT Station Condo | Meyer Road Condo | Hawaii Tower | Katong Park MRT Condo | Katong Park Residences | Katong Park Towers | Amber Gardens Condo | Amber Road Condo | Neptune Court | Neptune Court En Bloc | Lagoon View | Lagoon View En Bloc | East Coast Marine Parade Condo | Katong Shopping Centre | Katong Shopping Centre En Bloc | Mountbatten Road Condo |
District 16
Siglap Road Condo | Mandarin Gardens | Mandarin Gardens En Bloc | New Upper Changi Road Condo | The Glades | Bedok South Condo |
District 17
The Inflora |
District 18
Tampines Court | Treasure at Tampines | Tampines Court En Bloc | Tampines Street 11 Condo | Tampines Avenue 10 Condo | Coco Palms |
District 19
Florence Regency En-Bloc | Florence Residences Condo Club | Florence Regency | Rio Casa | Kensington Park En-Bloc | Kensington Park | Serangoon Ville | Serangoon Ville En Bloc | Forestwood Residences | Hougang Avenue 2 Condo | Hougang Central Condo | Hougang Condo | Riverfront Residences | Hougang Avenue 7 Condo | Affinity | Serangoon North Avenue 1 Condo | The Garden Residences | New Condo | Serangoon Gardens Condo | Serangoon Central Condo | Lorong Lew Lian Condo | Riverbank Sengkang West Way Condominium | Yio Chu Kang Road Condo | Toho Green | Rivertrees Residences | Parc Botannia | Fernvale Road Condo | High Park Residences | Sengkang West Condo | New Tampines Road Condo | Kingsford Waterbay | Botanique at Bartley | Buangkok Condo | Buangkok MRT Station Condo | Sengkang Central Condo | Sengkang Grand Residences | Sengkang Central Residences | Sengkang Central Residences Floor Plans | Sengkang Grand Residences Floor Plans | Sengkang Central Residences Prices | Sengkang Grand Residences Prices |
District 20
Marymount Road Condo | Braddell View En Bloc | Lentor Hill Road Condo | Lentor Central Condo | Braddell View | Shunfu Road Condo | Jade Scape | Far Horizon Gardens | Far Horizon Gardens En Bloc | Ang Mo Kio Avenue 9 Condo | Faber Gardens | New Lorong Puntong Condo | Thomson Impressions Condo | Adana | Panorama | Upper Thomson Road Condo | Yio Chu Kang Road Condo | Lentor Road Condo | Caldecott Condo | Bishan Central Condo | Lentor Drive Condo |
District 21
Jalan Anak Bukit Condo | Beauty World Condo | Goh & Goh Building En Bloc | Pine Grove | Pine Grove Condo | Pandan Valley Condo | Ridgewood Condo | Ridgewood Condo En Bloc | Mayfair Collection | Mayfair Gardens Condo | Mayfair Modern | King Albert Park MRT Station Condo | Mount Sinai Condo | Ulu Pandan Road Condo | Pine Grove En Bloc |
District 22
Jurong Condo | Lake Grande Condo | Lakeville | J Gateway |
District 23
Toh Tuck Road Condo | Kismis View | Dairy Farm Road Condo | Dairy Farm Residences | Dairy Farm Residences Floor Plans | Foresque Residences | The Lanai | Hillion Residences | Bukit Batok Condo | Hillview Rise Condo | Dairy Farm Residences Prices |
District 25
Woodlands Square Condo | Woodlands Square Commercial | Woodlands Central Condo |
District 26
Springside Road Condo |
District 27
NorthPark Residences | Canberra Drive Condo Sembawang | Canberra Link Condo Sembawang | New Yishun Ave 4 Condo | The Wisteria | Condominium Yishun Central | Symphony Suites | Yishun Avenue 9 Condo | Sembawang Road Condo |
District 28
Jalan Kandis Condo | Kandis Residence |
Executive Condo
Parc Life EC | Choa Chu Kang Drive EC | Sol Acres EC | The Vales EC | Tampines Avenue 10 EC | Tampines Street 62 EC | Fernvale Lane EC | Tampines EC | Signature at Yishun | Choa Chu Kang Grove EC | Bukit Batok EC | Tengah EC | Choa Chu Kang Avenue 5 EC | Woodlands Avenue 12 EC | Sembawang Avenue EC | The Visionaire | New EC at Canberra Link | Canberra Link EC Sembawang | Parc Canberra | Yishun Avenue 9 EC | Yishun Street 51 EC | The Criterion EC Yishun | Yio Chu Kang Road EC | New EC | Serangoon North EC | Yishun Avenue 1 EC | The Terrace EC Punggol | The Amore EC Punggol | Westwood Residences EC | Anchorvale Lane EC Sengkang | Sungei Punggol Reservoir EC Sengkang | Anchorvale Street EC Sengkang | Ola EC | Ola EC Prices and Floor Plans | Westwood Avenue EC | Choa Chu Kang Way EC | Canberra Drive EC Sembawang | BrownStone EC | Choa Chu Kang EC | LakeLife EC Jurong | Jurong EC Jurong | Punggol Drive EC Punggol | Woodlands Avenue 5 EC Woodlands | Parc Canberra Floor Plans | Sumang Walk EC Punggol | Piermont Grand | Piermont Grand EC Prices | Punggol Central EC Punggol |