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The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) awarded the tender for the commercial and residential 2H2017 Government Land Sales (GLS) site at Holland Road to a Far East-led consortium (FEO) for $1,213,333,000. The consortium is a joint venture between Stirling Land Holdings Pte. Ltd., Stirling View Pte. Ltd. (as Trustee of Commons SR Trust) and Stirling Property Pte. Ltd. (as Trustee of Commons Commercial Trust).
The Holland Road GLS tender attracted a total of 15 bids and is the second most expensive in terms of land rate. The 99 years leasehold site costing $20,318per square metres per plot ratio measuring 22,967 sqm has a maximum allowable gross floor area of 59,715 sqm.
The Holland Road GLS site enjoys close proximity to Holland Village MRT station which serves the Circle Line. There are several key business nodes such as Biopolis and Metropolis at Bouna Vista which will bring critical footfall to the retail and food and beverage shops. One Holland Village
Holland Village is one of Singapore’s endearing landmark offering an unique heritage and distinctive lifestyle. The commercial and residential Holland Road site is zoned as a mixed-use and pedestrian-oriented development. The sensitively-scaled development complements and relates well to the low-rise character of the existing Holland Village. The Pocket Park faces the existing Holland Village and provides a lush-landscaped focal point for residents and visitors.
The future development is envisioned to build on the heritage of Holland Village master plan 2014 and inject new retail and food and beverage shops overlook the public plaza, which is most ideal for lifestyle events and programmes, creating an attractive and vibrant gathering for all.
The Concept and Price Revenue tender was administered for the GLS site located at Holland Road, which goes through a two phase review. The first phase focus on shortlisting development concepts that are attractive yet complementary to the character of Holland Village. All tenders will have the opportunity to present their Concept Proposal which is reviewed by the Concept Evaluation Committee (CEC) to ensure they satisfy the evaluation criteria.
The second phase of the tender process only involves shortlisted Concept Proposals and all prices are revealed for evaluation. The site would then be awarded to the tenderer with the highest bid among the shortlisted tenderers.
Following the close of the Government Land Sales tender, all tenderers were given the opportunity to present their proposals to the CEC for further clarifications. The assessment criteria is segmented into three sections : Quality of Design Concept, Quality of Public Realm and Track Record.
The committee shortlisted five Concept Proposals that had substantially satisfied the evaluation criteria and proceeded to the second stage of the tender evaluation:
1. Stirling Land Holdings Pte. Ltd., Stirling View Pte. Ltd. (as Trustee of Commons SR Trust) and Stirling Property Pte. Ltd. (as Trustee of Commons Commercial Trust). (Tender Reference 33)
2. Maven Resources Pte. Ltd. and Riviera Resources Pte. Ltd. (Tender Reference 83)
3. PQJ Retail Management Pte. Ltd. (as Trustee-Manager of PQJ Retail Trust) and PQJ Residential Development Pte. Ltd. (Tender Reference 98)
4. Tulip Residential Development Pte. Ltd. and Tulip Trustee Pte. Ltd. (as the Trustee-Manager of Tulip Commercial Trust). (Tender Reference 28)
5. Schagen Commercial Development Pte. Ltd. and Bergen Residential Development Pte. Ltd. (Tender Reference 07)
The five shortlisted tenderers submitted strong development concepts and architectural designs that befits the site context. All these schemes took selective and appropriate references of the site context to inform the proposed building forms, layouts, massing strategies and / or architectural expression.
The public spaces were well-designed for public events and daily use. The CEC committee noted all tenderers and lead architects have outstanding track records in the development and management of mixed-use developments in Singapore or abroad.
The Holland Village future development will feature a central focal point at the southern tip of the site with pedestrians pathway with at least 6 metres in width to accommodate movements in both directions. It contains 4 main access points and a vehicular ingress/egress in the transition zone to facilitate pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
The building form and concept allowed the future development to integrate smoothly with the existing Holland Village. The shophouse street block, reinterpreted as a basic module building block of the proposed development, were laid out according to the existing Holland Village street block grid, resulting in a complementary site layout to the existing Holland Village.
The street experience of the existing Holland Village will be extended and widen to create that unique ambience. The future development features 3 zones:
-“Commons Square” which can hold events such as weekend markets and outdoor performances.
-“Communal Green” which is a courtyard flanked by shops leading to a Water Court .
-“Pocket Park”, a terraced water feature.which opens into Lorong Mambong in Holland Village.
The existing Lorong Liput and Lorong Mambong will be integrated into the future development to create a distinctive streetscape for the larger Holland Village precinct.
The future development at Holland Road will feature a cascading landscape with a maximum height of 35 storeys at the northern tip which overlooks the Good Class Bungalows estate. The zone 1 is designated for residential use and high floor units enjoy panoramic of the Holland estate and its greenery. The number of residential units is estimated at 570 which is expected to receive overwhelming response.
Zone 2 is designated for mixed use and will feature a public plaza surrounded by plenty of exciting dining options for all residents and visitors at Holland Village.