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Enbloc Sales- 8 potential conflicts to consider

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Enbloc redevelopment can be either good or bad. There are many pitfalls along the way of going Enbloc. In order to proceed to the Enbloc stage, you must obtain 80% of the home owner’s (share value and area value) consent within a stipulated period for properties older than 10 years.

The rules are quite onerous and stringent and is governed by the Land Titles (Strata) Act – section 84A. Along the years, additions and amendments by the ministry of law to the enbloc law have made the Enbloc rules even tighter.

With such onerous regulations, this means that more often than not, the ones agitating for enbloc sale are people with the knowledge about it, and they could be “serial enblockers”, lawyers, valuers, retirees in some cases who has lots of time on their hand, people with multiple properties and potentially property agents who are affiliated with enbloc specialists, etc. These people have the unfair advantage of time on their hands, knowledge and possibly working within a related industry and often have started meeting and gathering like-minded home owners to form an unofficial core group and gel together strongly. The proponents of Enbloc already have an advantage to get an Enbloc Sales Committee formed and have already pre-planned and deliberated for a long time.

It’s akin to some country’s political ruling party having “campaigned” for 1-2 years prior to an actual election (maybe they do not call it campaigning, they call it a different name), and then only to declare that the election period is only 11 days, opponents have no time to prepare for the campaigning.

  1. Home owners who have refinanced their home loan to Locked-in Packages suffer Penalty

Many of the home owners who refinanced their home loans to fixed rate home loans or those with 2 years locked-in or 3 years locked-in period will incur full home loan redemption penalty. This penalty is usually 1.5% of the loan amount. This tend to affect those who have bought their properties in recent years as their loan size tends to be bigger and their corresponding home loan redemption penalty higher.

If your home is at risk of Enbloc, you could consider a home loan where there is no locked in, but that would entail higher housing interest rate cost. Perhaps the next best option is to look for packages with a waiver of Locked-in penalty due to sale of property. Contact a mortgage broker to assist you to find those packages with waiver of locked-in. 

  1. Home Owners Who Oppose Enbloc have little time to canvass for Votes

When an Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EOGM) is scheduled (EOGM), many home owners who do not agree with Enbloc have very little time to get together to rally for votes to appoint people to get into the sales committee.

With election, we all know there will be election, so it’s fairer and everyone prepares for it. With Enbloc, we somehow know that some Enbloc may happen, but we never really know when. So those who are happily living in these older condominiums may be blissfully unaware and unprepared of the “plot” to enbloc and collectively sell their beloved homes.

  1. Sales Committee likely ends up with many Pro-Enbloc people.

I have heard that some of these pro enbloc sales home owners have rounded up enough proxy votes (from those owners who do not stay at the unit or are overseas) and supporters to vote for their preferred candidates into the Sales committee during an Extra-ordinary General Meeting (EOGM) to start the EOGM process.

This kind of preparation is something that those who are against enbloc cannot match. There are the home owner database that these agents are able to get their hands on and start the “campaigning” way ahead of time, especially for those developers where the owners do not stay there.

Any potential conflicts of interests of any sales committee members needs to be declared, however even if they do not have any conflict of interest in behaviour, these pro Enbloc collective sales committee (CSC) members already presents conflicts in their positions where they are obviously Pro enbloc.

A collective sales committee (CSC) and property consultant is supposed to evaluate and obtain the best deal for all the home owners which I am certain they will do and discharge of their duties properly.

However the sales committee could very well be made up of people who are too eager for a sale, and this could perhaps cloud their judgement.

The breach of Method of apportionment (MOA) in the Harbour view and Thomson view case where incentive payments were made by the property consultant to the home owners is a real life example of such breaches although the collective sales committee were not found to be guity.

Apart from being too sweet talking, misleading, confusing or the deploy of outright incentives (whether known or unknown) to home owners, such sales committee members could also easily turn nasty and handle objectors in a heavy-handed matter due to their personal positions, giving rise to the perception of unfairness. Many times it could get very personal.

Those who are against the Enbloc may not have sufficient energy or drive to take on such an onslaught from an organized group of like-minded people.

So the enbloc redevelopment is really a war between a well trained, weaponised army against a group of loosely aligned and unequipped citizens. There is little chance for those who object.

Perhaps to escape all these, people should really consider living in landed property where they only have to worry about the government building roads into their house as compared to having your neighbours trying to sell your home.

  1. One sided gathering of Collective Sales Agreement (CSA) Consent

Upon setting up a sales committee, the process to gather consent of Collective Sales Agreement officially starts. This is given a period of time, usually 6 months to achieve the required thresholds. So home owners who agree to a collective sale gradually creep up to reach the required Collective Sales Threshold.

This one-sided arrangement causes undue emotional strain to objectors of the collective sale as some home owners gradually defect one after another to sign on the dotted line and add towards the collective sales threshold.

If those who agree can sign a Collective Sales Agreement consent, maybe objectors should also be allowed to sign a contract of “Objection to Collective sales agreement” that similarly lasts the duration of the process.

This would be more fair as objectors can lock in the percentage of objectors, once they object, they cannot sign on the agree list. This would help secure the objectors and thwart the Enbloc process. Once the objectors go above a rejection threshold of say 20%, the Enbloc process would automatically be called off.

Those who want the status quo tends to be passive, but they are forced to go through the entire ordeal to resist the process, incur emotional stress and be bullied into submission.

  1. Too strongly worded one-way Consent to collective sales – Too much power given to negotiate a private treaty with buyer

After the collective sales committee (CSC) reaches the required consent threshold, the open tender or auction must be held within a stipulated time. After the open tender or auction, an independent valuer is to assess the total value of the development as a benchmark or reference.

NOW this is the dangerous part.

Why is there no additional vote if the reserve price is not met? If the reserve price is $500m and the valuation is also $500m, and the tender did not reach $500 million, but came in as $400m, do we reject the enbloc bid and consider it a FAILED Enbloc attempt?

Apparently that may not be the case as the Collective Sales Committee (CSC) then may within 16 weeks enter into a private treaty contract with the buyer.

Let’s say, after that the collective sales committee agree on $420 million and sold the development. Who is to say what is a fair value?

Is there another vote to agree or disagree on this price?

Is there a safeguard as to how much the private treaty sale can deviate from the valuation or reserve price?

Why must the agreement be open-ended? Even if the collective sales committee has exercised their duty and fair judgement, where do we draw the line on how low the price can go?

This is particularly dangerous considering that many enbloc collective sales committee members may already be pro enbloc sales and may be too eager.

  1. Enbloc Sales – Method of Apportionment (MOA) of Sales Proceeds

The proposed Enbloc reserve price is worked out by some “experts”, presumably it should be fair.

But here is how it will never be seen as totally fair.

  • How do you adjust for facing of property?
  • How do you adjust for the value of renovation done?
  • How to apportion the sales proceeds for share value?
  • How to apportion the sales proceeds based on built up size of unit?
  • Share value and built up size is not uniform. A 50 square meter unit has 5 shares, but a 100 square meter unit does not have 10 shares of common land but only 6 shares of common land.
  • Bigger units have only been paying slightly more in share value for maintenance over the years.

Share Value

Perhaps using the Share value as a way of apportionment is not totally fair.

In a strata-titled condominium development, the share value is used to determine the share of the common land each subsidiary proprietor (SP) or commonly referred to as Home owner owns for the calculation of management corporation strata titled (MCST) fees, commonly known as “maintenance fees”.

Share value of each condominium unit is determined by Building and Construction Authority (BCA): –

The share value increases by 1 for each 50 square meters.

Share Value BCA

The share value was initially determined based on the size of the unit and the estimated resources and strain on common property upkeep and maintenance and was not designed for enbloc sale. A family occupying 50 square meters may pay 5 shares for maintenance and upkeep of common property while that of one occupying 100 square meters may pay 6 shares for maintenance as the load on upkeep and maintenance is likely not doubled but incremental as a bigger unit tends to have more people staying in it.

Using purely share value to distribute proceeds is contentious. Using share value to arrive at collective sales agreement consent is also problematic as those with smaller units that made up 1/3 of the built up size have 45.45% of the voting power.

Share Value percentage

The smaller units will argue for apportionment of the sales proceeds to be distributed based on share value. In a condominium where there are more smaller units and lesser bigger units, the interest of the bigger unit home owners may be trampled upon.

Built up size

If it is based on built-up value, those who own smaller units will feel It is unfair as they pay a higher per square feet price for smaller units compared to bigger units, so it is unfair for the smaller unit home owners.


If the sales proceed apportionment is based on the valuation, this would ignore the fact that bigger units have long paid much more maintenance fees. And also there will probably be a need to do a valuation for each of the units, regardless if they are the same type or not as the valuation is different for different facing, height of the unit and renovation, feng shui and design of the floor plan.

If we were to consider a combination of all 3 methods, then what percentage mix would be fair? This is very contentious.

  1. Odds are unfairly stacked against Objectors to an Enbloc sales

Any subsidiary proprietor (SP) also known as home owner can object a sale for some of the following reasons: –

  • “Not acting in good faith” due to sale price apportionment methodology.
  • Undeclared Relationship between the sales committee and buyers and sellers, or conflicts of interests.
  • Non even handedness in dealing with objectors.
  • Financial loss from the transaction.

An objector basically has very little rights, and any lawsuits they raise against the sales committee is at their own legal cost. If they were to lose the lawsuit, this would set them back by hundreds of thousands of dollars. As they have no platform to launch an objection, it is expected that most objectors will be bullied into silence as many would be worried about the cost of losing such a law suit.

On the other hand, the collective sales committee (CSC) is not afraid of any law suits, because all or any cost involved in such law suits will be taken off the sales proceeds and divided amongst all the home owners in case of a successful enbloc.

There seems to be no provision within the Land Titles Strata Act (LTSA), section 84A that provide for the cost of any home owner legal suit against the Collective Sales Committee to be shared amongst all the units if the sale were still to proceed successfully despite the objection suit.

  1. Wastage of a Country’s resources

Most buildings these days are built to last easily 30 to 60 years without major structural issues.

Enbloc sales process starts when the following condition is met: –

  • Less than 10 years old development – 90% of the owner’s share and area value.
  • Greater than 10 years old development – 80% of the owner’s share and area value.

URA master plan is Singapore’s long term planning of land use for the next 20 to 30 years, so surely there is no need to pull down a building to rebuild within 10 or 20 years as it is too short a planning horizon.

And most buildings are also generally in good condition even after 10 years or even 20 years. If a building is going for Enbloc after 11 years, this is obscene wastage.

Unless a building is unsafe for occupation there is no need to set the Enbloc threshold so low. In any case, the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) can order remedy works if an older development needs to be remedied for safety.

Proposed Enbloc Development age and voting threshold: –

  • Development less than 10 years cannot be put for enbloc;
  • Development between 10 to 20 years old to require 90% of the share and area value before Enbloc can be passed.

 Source: icompare loan

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Guest Wednesday, 05 March 2025
District 1
Marina Bay Condo | Shenton Way Commercial | Marina Bayfront Condo | Central Boulevard Condo | Central Boulevard Towers | Marina View | V on Shenton | Marina South Pier Condo | Marina One Residences | Shenton Way Condo |
District 2
Pearl Bank En Bloc | Outram Park MRT Condo | Silat Residences | Avenue South Residence | Sky Everton | Sky Everton Freehold Condo Prices | Outram Road Condo | One Pearl Bank | Excellent Connectivity from One Pearl Bank | One Pearl Bank Design and Layouts | Pearl Bank Apartments | Asia Gardens | Anson Road Condo | Tanjong Pagar Condo | Tanjong Pagar Commercial | Greater Southern Waterfront | Wallich Residence | Tanjong Pagar Centre |
District 3
Queenstown Condo | Queens Peak Condo | Dundee Road Condo | Margaret Ville | Margaret Drive Condo | Alexandra View Condo | Prince Charles Crescent Condo | Rest of Central Region Condo | Principal Garden | Silat Avenue Condo | Jalan Bukit Merah Condo | Kampong Bahru Road Condo | Stirling Road Condo | Stirling Residences | Commonwealth Avenue Condo | The Crest @ Prince Charles Crescent | Commonwealth Towers | Highline Residences | Alex Residences |
District 4
Corals at Keppel Bay | Skyline Residences | Reflections at Keppel Bay |
District 5
Park West Condominium En-Bloc | West Coast Vale Condo | Park West Condominium | Parc Clematis | Parc Riviera | The Trilinq | Bijou | West Coast Way Condo | One Normanton Park | Normanton Park Condo | Clementi Avenue 1 Condo | Jalan Lempeng Condo |
District 7
CityGate Condo | Selegie Road Condo | Sophia Road Condo | Tan Quee Lan Street Condo | The M | Middle Road Condo | South Beach Residences | Duo Residences | Beach Road Bugis Rochor Condo | Midtown Suite | Midtown Bay | Midtown Bay Floor Plans and Facilities | Beach Road Commercial | Golden Mile Complex | Textile Centre | Golden Mile Complex En Bloc | Textile Centre En Bloc | The Oasis |
District 8
Peace Centre Mansions En Bloc | Perumal Road Condo | Northumberland Road Condo | Uptown at Farrer | 1953 Condo | LYF | Tessensohn Residence |
District 9
Cairnhill Mansions En Bloc | Orchard Bel-Air En-Bloc | Pacific Mansions En Bloc | Robertson Quay Condo | Paterson Road Condo | Cavenagh Gardens En-Bloc | Cavenagh Gardens | Cavenagh Road Condo | Orchard Boulevard Road Condo | Orchard Road Condo | Scotts Road Condo | Cairnhill Road Condo | Riviera Point | The Iveria | The Iveria Condo Floor Plans | Cairnhill Mansions | One Tree Hill | River Valley Road Condo | Martin Place Condo | Martin Modern | Kim Seng Road Condo | Handy Road Condo | Haus on Handy | Jiak Kim Street Condo | Riviere Condo | Fraser Residence Promenade | Avenir Condo | Pacific Mansions | Great World MRT Station Condo | Martin Place Residences | The Rise at Oxley Residences | Orchard Paterson Cairnhill Road Condo | Core Central Region Condo | Robertson Quay Condo | Paterson Collection | St Thomas Walk | Leonie Hill Road Condo | Horizon Towers | Leonie Gardens | New Futura | Cairnhill Nine | 3 Orchard by the Park | Twin Peaks |
District 10
Grange Road Condo | Farrer Road Condo | Tulip Gardens En Bloc | Tulip Garden Residences | Leedon Green | Leedon Green Floor Plans | Tulip Garden Residences Floor Plans | Tulip Garden | Tanglin Road Condo | Jervois Gardens | Crystal Towers | Juniper Hill Condo by AllGreen Properties | Juniper Hill | The Hyde at Balmoral | The Hyde | Balmoral Road Condo | Jervois Road Condo | Petit Jervois | Jervois Prive Exclusive Condo | Jervois Prive | Jervois Treasures Condo Floor Plans | Jervois Treasures | Tanglin Shopping Centre En Bloc | Tanglin Shopping Centre | Jervois Gardens En Bloc | Spring Grove En Bloc | Spring Grove | Hallmark Residences | Wilshire Residences | Sloane Residences | Ewe Boon Road Condo | Bukit Timah Road Condo | Bukit Timah Collection | Cluny Park Residence | Cuscaden Road Condo | Petit Cuscaden | Cuscaden Reserve | Cuscaden Reserve Condo Floor Plans | Boulevard 88 | Pollen and Bleu | Leedon Residence | Gramercy Park | Ardmore Three 3 | Sculptura Ardmore | RV Residences | Robin Residences | 18 Nouvel@ Anderson Road | Holland Road Condo | The Estoril | The Estoril En Bloc | Hollandia En Bloc | Hyll at Holland | Hollandia | TwentyOne Angullia Park | D'Leedon | Mon Jervois | Holland Village Residences | One Holland Village | One Holland Village A Mixed Development Design | Holland Village Condo | Van Holland | Van Holland Floor Plans | 15 Holland Hill | 15 Holland Hill Floor Plans |
District 11
Chancery Court En Bloc | Chancery Court Condo | Thomson Road Condo | Novena Condo | Newton Road Condo | Pullman Residences | Pullman Residences Floor Plans | Dunearn Road Condo | 386 Dunearn | Dunearn Court Condo | Derby Court | Fyve Derbyshire | Derbyshire Road Condo | Kampong Java Road |
District 12
Balestier Road Condo | Toa Payoh Condo | Neem Tree | Riverbay | Boon Teck Towers | Eight Riversuites | Boon Teck Towers En Bloc | Gem Residences | Kallang Riverside Condo |
District 13
Woodleigh Residences | Upper Serangoon Road Condo | Park Colonial | Woodleigh Lane Condo | Mattar Residences | Woodleigh MRT Condo | Woodleigh Condo | Woodleigh Link Condo | Bidadari New Estate Condo | Upper Aljunied Road Condo | Tre Ver | Raintree Gardens | Potong Pasir Avenue 1 Condo | Potong Pasir Condo | The Maisons | The Quinn | Mattar Road Condo | The Poiz Residences | The Venue Residences | Sant Ritz |
District 14
Eunos Condo | Eunos MRT Condo | Sims Avenue Condo | Changi Road Condo | Parc Esta | Eunosville | Eunosville En Bloc | City Plaza | City Plaza En Bloc | Paya Lebar Road Condo | Sims Drive Condo | Park Place Residences | Paya Lebar Quarters | Sims Avenue Condo | Paya Lebar Central |
District 15
Dunman Road Condo | Coastline Residences | Amber Sea | One Meyer | Albracca | Siglap MRT Station Condo | Marine Parade Road Condo | Casa Meyfort Condo | Meyer Mansion Floor Plans | Meyer Mansion | Meyer Modern | Nanak Mansions | Meyerhouse Exclusive Condominium | Meyerhouse | Meyerbank | Nyon | Rebirth of Amber Park Condo | Amber Park Condo Seafront Living | Amber Park | The Opus | Parkway Mansion | Amber Park En Bloc | Hawaii Tower En Bloc | Parkway Mansion En Bloc | Albracca En Bloc | Laguna Park | Laguna Park En Bloc | Tanjong Katong MRT Station Condo | Meyer Road Condo | Hawaii Tower | Katong Park MRT Condo | Katong Park Residences | Katong Park Towers | Amber Gardens Condo | Amber Road Condo | Neptune Court | Neptune Court En Bloc | Lagoon View | Lagoon View En Bloc | East Coast Marine Parade Condo | Katong Shopping Centre | Katong Shopping Centre En Bloc | Mountbatten Road Condo |
District 16
Siglap Road Condo | Mandarin Gardens | Mandarin Gardens En Bloc | New Upper Changi Road Condo | The Glades | Bedok South Condo |
District 17
The Inflora |
District 18
Tampines Court | Treasure at Tampines | Tampines Court En Bloc | Tampines Street 11 Condo | Tampines Avenue 10 Condo | Coco Palms |
District 19
Florence Regency En-Bloc | Florence Residences Condo Club | Florence Regency | Rio Casa | Kensington Park En-Bloc | Kensington Park | Serangoon Ville | Serangoon Ville En Bloc | Forestwood Residences | Hougang Avenue 2 Condo | Hougang Central Condo | Hougang Condo | Riverfront Residences | Hougang Avenue 7 Condo | Affinity | Serangoon North Avenue 1 Condo | The Garden Residences | New Condo | Serangoon Gardens Condo | Serangoon Central Condo | Lorong Lew Lian Condo | Riverbank Sengkang West Way Condominium | Yio Chu Kang Road Condo | Toho Green | Rivertrees Residences | Parc Botannia | Fernvale Road Condo | High Park Residences | Sengkang West Condo | New Tampines Road Condo | Kingsford Waterbay | Botanique at Bartley | Buangkok Condo | Buangkok MRT Station Condo | Sengkang Central Condo | Sengkang Grand Residences | Sengkang Central Residences | Sengkang Central Residences Floor Plans | Sengkang Grand Residences Floor Plans | Sengkang Central Residences Prices | Sengkang Grand Residences Prices |
District 20
Marymount Road Condo | Braddell View En Bloc | Lentor Hill Road Condo | Lentor Central Condo | Braddell View | Shunfu Road Condo | Jade Scape | Far Horizon Gardens | Far Horizon Gardens En Bloc | Ang Mo Kio Avenue 9 Condo | Faber Gardens | New Lorong Puntong Condo | Thomson Impressions Condo | Adana | Panorama | Upper Thomson Road Condo | Yio Chu Kang Road Condo | Lentor Road Condo | Caldecott Condo | Bishan Central Condo | Lentor Drive Condo |
District 21
Jalan Anak Bukit Condo | Beauty World Condo | Goh & Goh Building En Bloc | Pine Grove | Pine Grove Condo | Pandan Valley Condo | Ridgewood Condo | Ridgewood Condo En Bloc | Mayfair Collection | Mayfair Gardens Condo | Mayfair Modern | King Albert Park MRT Station Condo | Mount Sinai Condo | Ulu Pandan Road Condo | Pine Grove En Bloc |
District 22
Jurong Condo | Lake Grande Condo | Lakeville | J Gateway |
District 23
Toh Tuck Road Condo | Kismis View | Dairy Farm Road Condo | Dairy Farm Residences | Dairy Farm Residences Floor Plans | Foresque Residences | The Lanai | Hillion Residences | Bukit Batok Condo | Hillview Rise Condo | Dairy Farm Residences Prices |
District 25
Woodlands Square Condo | Woodlands Square Commercial | Woodlands Central Condo |
District 26
Springside Road Condo |
District 27
NorthPark Residences | Canberra Drive Condo Sembawang | Canberra Link Condo Sembawang | New Yishun Ave 4 Condo | The Wisteria | Condominium Yishun Central | Symphony Suites | Yishun Avenue 9 Condo | Sembawang Road Condo |
District 28
Jalan Kandis Condo | Kandis Residence |
Executive Condo
Parc Life EC | Choa Chu Kang Drive EC | Sol Acres EC | The Vales EC | Tampines Avenue 10 EC | Tampines Street 62 EC | Fernvale Lane EC | Tampines EC | Signature at Yishun | Choa Chu Kang Grove EC | Bukit Batok EC | Tengah EC | Choa Chu Kang Avenue 5 EC | Woodlands Avenue 12 EC | Sembawang Avenue EC | The Visionaire | New EC at Canberra Link | Canberra Link EC Sembawang | Parc Canberra | Yishun Avenue 9 EC | Yishun Street 51 EC | The Criterion EC Yishun | Yio Chu Kang Road EC | New EC | Serangoon North EC | Yishun Avenue 1 EC | The Terrace EC Punggol | The Amore EC Punggol | Westwood Residences EC | Anchorvale Lane EC Sengkang | Sungei Punggol Reservoir EC Sengkang | Anchorvale Street EC Sengkang | Ola EC | Ola EC Prices and Floor Plans | Westwood Avenue EC | Choa Chu Kang Way EC | Canberra Drive EC Sembawang | BrownStone EC | Choa Chu Kang EC | LakeLife EC Jurong | Jurong EC Jurong | Punggol Drive EC Punggol | Woodlands Avenue 5 EC Woodlands | Parc Canberra Floor Plans | Sumang Walk EC Punggol | Piermont Grand | Piermont Grand EC Prices | Punggol Central EC Punggol |